Full Case study

Star From old school average lawyer
to top 3 best migration lawyers in the country Star


it was 2019 and i was contacted by the lawyer/law firm abogado carlos perez from panama, center america, he wanted a presence in the digital world with the goal of attracting more clients and build business, but he had 0 clue where to start he didnt have a website, brand identity nor social media, nothing more than mentions of him in an online lawyers catalog, 20 years of experience and good relationship with migration ministry of panama.

The Lawyer himself being an optimistic visionary and hardworking man immediately clicked with me and shared me the opportunity of business, his goals where a bit unrealistic at first but i needed to study the market and create a business plan that made sense to understand where we where standing (because there wasn’t anything tangible yet) in order to move forward and make promises.

Goal and Objectives

the opportunity in the market was clear, the rise of immigration and lack of digital advertisement for the services gave the signal to not waste time and immediately introduced a new business plan.

This were the goals and objectives established: Create his brand identity, Photography and Video Content, Build the website and rank in the top 3 organic searched keywords, create social media profiles (facebook, instagram, tiktok), Social media marketing ads and pass from 2-5 clients weekly to 30 on average per week

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full case study


From Client to business partner in a couple of months, saying that the lawfirm needed some marketing was a understatement, i took the challenge by myself and manage to create a strong online presence in a really short time and surpass all the objectives established not only organically but with great preforming social media ads, rent a bigger office, create a new recording set and hire more staff for customer service.

i took the role as marketing director and end up outworking in many other fields need it for the law firm to thrive and grow the way it did. 

fast-forward to today and i am advisor and marketing supervisor of the law firm which has allowed me to explore other industries and new passions.


1. the day after my marketing plan began and we started running the social media ads, we were bombarded with dozens of messages and conversations that the lawyer and his assistant couldn’t keep up and our communication platform was struggling having two people using the app at the same time (whatsapp).

2. The conversations were not lineal nor straigth to the point which made the team lose a lot of time on each potential client.

3. the meeting with clients were either in the lawyer’s home office or in a plublic space which also took a lot of his personal valuable time.


1. in order to convert more leads into client it was obvious that we need it to level up our customer services, by managing a CRM system, reporting, tracking and measuring the impact of our campaigns on sales, customer engagement, managing conversations of all the leads from WhatsApp and social media in a single place, make stages of leads of every specific services, most importantly having multiple people work on it at the same time, people who i hired and still work with us till this day i customer services.

2. We created a full system of shortcuts for most of the questions asked by clients and a manual on how to answer for our team reducing the time of consult from a couple of hours or a day to a matter of minutes for 8:00 to 22:00 having to agents in the morning only focused on answering and one in the evening shift.

3. We grew our offices in the best spot for our type of services just between the Migration and labor national ministry


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