Rafael Garcia


Hey there, I’m Rafael Garcia, a 23-year-old digital handyman who’s not afraid to roll up his sleeves and tackle any digital challenge that comes my way. With a dash of creativity and a sprinkle of humor, I bring a fresh perspective to the world of social media content, digital creative strategies, ads management, website builder, SEO, and even those tricky editing softwares like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere (no, I won’t Photoshop your face onto a unicorn, but I can create some pretty magical designs!).

I thrive in team environments, where I can brainstorm ideas, collaborate, and learn from others. However, don’t let my laid-back demeanor fool you—I’m always up for taking on big responsibilities and working under pressure. In fact, I like to think of pressure as the secret ingredient that brings out the best in me.

Results? They’re my fuel. I’m driven by the thrill of seeing a project succeed and the satisfaction of knowing that I’ve contributed to its triumph. But that doesn’t mean I’m content with mediocrity. I’m constantly seeking the best solutions, keeping up with the latest industry trends, and staying open to new ideas and techniques.

So, if you’re looking for a digital whiz who can make your online presence shine, while simultaneously cracking a few jokes along the way, then I’m your guy. Let’s join forces, add value to your brand, and create some digital magic together. Ready to embark on this digital adventure? Let’s go!


Social Media Content

Short, Sharable, Impactful

Ads Management

FB, IG, Tiktok & Google ads


Website Builder


Position organically on GOogle

Adobe enthusiast

Photoshop, Illustrator & Premiere

Community manager

Taking care of your social media

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